jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

I’d like to visit Mexico

I would like to live in mexico or some caribbean country. First of all because the weather. The climatical conditions are very friendly to live. There are fruits and beaches everywhere, you can live in touch with the nature. 

For what they told me, the people of mexico are very warm and nice, they treat you with tenderness. I would like to visil the archeological museums and ruins, there is a lot of archeological richness, I would like to learn about that and meet the Teotihuacán and Chichén Itzá pyramids seem very interesting to me. Also in the golfo of mexico you can visit the crater of the chicxulub meteor and the cenotes around there. The cenotes are little craters that were made from the rests of space rock that the meteoro left, and now are natural biomas with their own extrange and unique ecosystem, also you can swim in them

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